What Congress Should Not Be!
I've had it with Congress, both Houses, and both Parties. I think it's time for a little REFORM we can all live with and here is a good start!
1. Congress Should Not Be Paid... any body that raises billions to be elected doesn't need millions of taxpayer dollars in salaries to survive for a term in office.
2. Congress Should Not Be the Recipient of a Benefits Package... whether a US Representative or a US Senator one term in office hardly qualifies someone for a healthy benefit package most folks have to earn over a long period of years to achieve and usually have to sacrifice a significant portion of their salary to obtain. No health care, retirement, or other benefits for being a public servant.
3. Congress Should Not Be In DC Longer Than 120 Days Per Year... Get with the program people, you have a job to do, pass the 13 appropriation bills and get the hell out of town. Don't we have enough laws? I mean really? If you need to declare a War, well sure come back for a "Special Session" but otherwise stay the hell in your district where you belong!
4. Congress Should Not Be Receiving Visits From Lobbyist While In Session... Do you get visits from sales people when you are at work, well maybe if you are a doctor, but hey maybe there are some really good drugs out there, and well maybe you will get a good box of pens and sticky notes. If Lobbyist wants to see you they can come to your District Office where your Constituents can see whose knocking at your door, not just wonder whose cozying up with you at the cloak room door where there aren't any cameras, or over at the lobby of the "Willard Hotel".
5. Congress Should Not Be Spending New Money if the Current Budget Is Not Balanced... Doesn't it just make sense that you can't spend more money you don't have if you are already spending money you don't have. Come on, how much deficit do you guys need. I don't know about you but I can't bring myself to push 2 for Spanish now and I sure as hell am not going to push 3 for Chinese...That's right and we don't even owe Mexico, South America, or Spain!
So, there you have it Congress... You Should Not Be Receiving Anything At All or Doing Anything but Your Job because YOU SUCK! YES I said it. Someone had to say it. People everywhere should be saying it. If we say it often enough and loud enough people will begin to believe it. People might even understand it and look to the Constitution for faith, guidance, and hope. At least they read the Constitution out loud in the well of the House, at least members there paid lip service to it. I don't know if the members of the Senate have a copy. Maybe they are still searching for theirs. Let's hope sooner or later the Speaker will send his copy over the Senate as a gesture of Good Will. Maybe then they will be on the same page, since it is really all on one page. Well there are some Amendments, but you get my point. It is not all that much to read. Congress needs to get it's act together and NOT BE A BUNCH OF WIMPS. DO YOUR JOB AND GO HOME!!!!