Monday, June 06, 2011


Well, I'll say this... Free speech is a Human Right. There are many ways to exercise free speech and the Internet does not constitute the primary mode folks in the world communicate, that would be necessarily true because most of the world isn't hooked in to the Internet in any meaningful way if at all. In fact, the Internet in terms of free speech is a "Johnny Come Lately". That's not said to diminish its importance, simply to put into perspective thousands of years of communications that have taken place without the Internet. For the UN to declare anything a Human Right at this point is pretty pointless given that the UN channels a great deal of the money it's given to it's own bureaucracy and quite frankly graft. Their real idea of a Human right is not having to pay parking tickets all over Manhattan. The rest of New York has to pony up or get booted. The bottom line here is that until someone from the UN is willing to pay my Internet bill, its not a Human Right at all... It's just a declaration of pompous asses trying to justify their own existence in an ivory tower funded by far too much US taxpayer money. Sorry UN, better luck next time. Oh, you might go for Electricity or Gasoline next, they're really expensive these days...