"The Decider in Chief
Has Decided"
I'll take one from column
from "Article I" and one from "Article II" but really I can
do what I want if I decide to do that.
Excuse me Mr. President?
It is pretty clear that
all you are doing on the domestic front is seeking cover from Republicans in Congress
to not have to use military force against Syria so you can blame them for not
being able to do the right thing in the 2014 mid-term election. While that may
sound crass, it falls right in line with your first chief of staff's motto
"Never let a good crisis go to waste".
At this point You've disrespected
the UN, you've rolled your Secretary of
State under the bus, and you've found yourself left hanging out to dry by your
most ardent ally Great Britain. That's not batting 1000, it's not even making
it into the batter's box on a good day. What to do, what to do? Well there's
really only one play left, and it's on the international stage. Granted a place
you have again not had much luck, especially given the outcome of your Cairo
speech, but I digress.
You must use the G-20
Meeting to hang all of this around the neck of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
You must embarrass him into resolving the Syrian chemical weapons issue, if not
the entire civil war. Assad is his protectee and he's blocked every vote
involving Syria in the UN Security Council by hook or crook since he's been in
power. So, if he's going to keep the world from acting, he needs to show the
world he's capable of controlling his step-child. Whether he has to spank his
bottom or bloody his nose to do it frankly is his business. The G-20 should put
Russia on notice that there will be a price to pay if Putin fails to control
Assad and you do still hold some sway at the G-20 by virtue of the fact that we
still have a 16 trillion dollar economy regardless of a nearly 17 trillion
dollar debt. The world needs a vibrant US Economy, it is less concerned with
Russia. While you will have to overcome some natural gas concerns of our
European friends who depend on Russian controlled pipelines, I am fairly
certain Russia's thirst for cash will outweigh its need to protect Assad in
What's more Mr. President,
harkening back to my previous blog entry, Mr. Putin has certain interest in
seeing chemical weapons do not fall into the wrong hands. He has had a horrible
movie theatre terrorist attack I am sure he would never want to see repeated.
Islam Terrorist were responsible for that problem, just like they were for our
9-11 disaster at home, and last year in Libya. I believe this is the course you
must take to secure a place in history and to find some reasonable manner to
reclaim a sense of dignity at home which is certainly lost after what has to be
the worst open source planning session ever. You might as well have had a
Google Plus Hangout and taken suggestions from regular citizens.