What will the next TARGET be?
The first thing first! Goodbye to the HYPHEN. HYPHEN
you've created a house divided. You've stopped the assimilation of immigrants
from many into one by giving them permission to remain separate. You've
promoted the idea that our culture is ripe for many languages not a uniquely American
brand of English to be part of our great society. You've made it a necessary
evil to name all who disagree a bigot or worse. You've made your way into
our lexicon in ways no one ever dreamed possible. It is time for you to go BAN
Everyone says to put the Confederate Flag in a Museum...
well hell, let's just ban museums. We don't need them anyway. We have the
internet. Isn't that what Al Gore invented it for... I mean really? Just pack
all that stuff up and sell it to some rich dude in Hollywood and use the real
estate for Homeless Shelters. Our children will be perfectly happy using their
iPhones and iPads to look at photos of historical artifacts and documents in
the comfort of their home of classroom, and think of all the fossil fuel that
will be saved from not having to send them on field trips, not to mention the
liability for potential harm that could come to them should they be killed, maimed,
or otherwise damaged from viewing some unforeseen event too graphic to
describe. Museums are stuffy and are for "Old People". The internet
is Cool and when you're bored with Pocahontas and Patrick Henry you can go kill
aliens. They'll have all sorts of virtual nastiness to see, the Nazis, the Confederates,
the Soviets, you name it... it's all there, no brick and mortar required. BURN
ALL THE FLAGS & THE BOOKS TOO... Amazon needs the business.
Next we need to have an Article VI (5) Constitutional
Convention to set aside some of the perks Congress has taken for itself over
the past century or so. First among that list would be Term Limits. At one time
I foolishly believed like our founders elections were term limits, but Congress
has "rigged the system" in ways that have Jefferson and Madison
spinning faster than dynamometers in their respective graves with the use of gerrymandering
and other political trickery that guarantees them a nearly endless return to
their seat of power once elected. Second would be a secession of benefits for
members of Congress (House and Senate - both make up Congress contrary to popular
belief) give them health insurance while they're in office, beyond that,
they're on their own. The list here is quite nasty but I believe the point is
that the power of Congress needs to be restrained in a manner that forces it to
reflect the intent of the founding document and the States should be returned
to a more prominent role in resolving the issues of the day. Some would like to
see a return to appointed Senate seats as originally set forth by the
Constitution, this would tend to be more reflective of the representation of
State Governments and not that of political machines, along with term limits
this is a logical and reasonable return to a republican (small R) form of
government. Note we are not a pure democracy (small D).
On the subject of Education, we need to Ban the Public
Teacher's Unions. If you don't teach you need to GTFO... that simple. When your
primary negotiation position is "You Don't Care About the Children"
it's a 99% chance the lie is pretty big there. Maybe the teachers care a lot...
those thugs that run the front office don't give a wit about the little sniveling
naves in the classroom, or their little dogs named Toto either. So No Tenure just
for showing up. Oh don't worry... For you layers upon layers of mid level
management... Bye-Bye too, if you can't be justified in a direct support role
for educating a child you've got no business being in the business of
education. We spend far too much to get crappy results. We're behind not one or
two countries in the world, we're behind a dozen and in some cases 20 countries.
That doesn't say much for the effectiveness of our system. While the school
systems need serious reform they can't be the "target" of all the
blame. A good portion of that needs to go to the Parents of the students for
not following up on their children and not participating in their children's
education in a meaningful way. No one is off the hook here.
While I'm beating up Education... We need to ban Protest
signs. People are ignorant and are not taught to spell properly in the bullshit
excuses for public schools we send them to... it's embarrassing to send images
of protesters around the world that can't spell what they are protesting
against. That's just offensive.
We need to ban the Shoe Police at Airports. Do you know how many people have stinky feet? Do you know how many old people can't tie their own shoes? Do you know how many shoe bombs have been found since people have been forced to take off their shoes at airports? TSA isn't answering any of these questions. It's the nation's largest employer of people with foot fetishes. To date however... no reported incidents of explosive shoes. Stop that shit now!.
We need to ban Global Warming & Climate Change
alarmists from the public square, yes that includes TV and Radio. Until hell freezes over they have not much to
report. So far they've been blissfully wrong about all their predictions. I'm
still trying to figure out how the glaciers melted without the help of cow
farts and tractor trailer exhaust...but I digress. Besides a few major volcanic eruptions or one
pretty good size asteroid in the right place and their theory is shot all to
hell anyway. This is also true in the event of a nuclear war. Iran will sell a
nuke to someone. Sorry Al Gore, you lose.
Ethanol... gotta ban that. Uses too much energy to
produce and causes artificially high prices of corn which drives up the cost of
food for poverty stricken people at home and abroad. That's settled science -no
debate move on.
We need to ban all the Bullshit Wars...Congress last
declared war to get us into World War II nothing since. Take you bullshit war
and shove them... Got a cause... make it a war... No More!!! War on Poverty - Epic
Fail, War on Drugs - Epic Fail, War on Cancer... my mother and lots of friends
and relatives are dead... the jury is still out. The War on Women - pure
unadulterated bullshit. Currently there is a War on male rapists on
college campuses - Duke, UVA, now Amherst...
How's that working out for ya??? Hope and Change Much - another Epic
Fail. Even when there's a basis for something that could have merit, activist with
their take no prisoners methods destroy any hope of credibility and have set
back this cause perhaps irreversibly.
Then there's Poor Alexander Hamilton is already been TARGETED
to come off of the $10 bill. The original bill moving through Congress had
taken aim at Andrew Jackson on the Twenty Dollar Denomination, but the Secretary
of the Treasury poo pooed that idea in favor of all the people to pick, the man
that designed our monetary system would be the last likely candidate. Why
not dump Abe Lincoln, he's got a monument and used to have a National
holiday in his honor. It's not like he'll be forgotten. He wasn't even a
founding father. All he really did was preside over the deadliest period of
political strife in our country's history and get assassinated for his efforts.
Well he did free the Slaves and give us the Income tax so there is at least one
good thing there. Regardless, a the Five Dollar Bill is a much more people
friendly denomination. We could just scrap old white men altogether and use
pictures of National Parks. I vote for that before Global warming floods them
or burns them out of existence.
Let's not forget the dreaded Washington Redskins are
still a TARGET because its hateful and racists and promotes ill will amongst
every native American that ever received a survey question. The owner Daniel
Snyder has told the Congress to go screw themselves and they stripped him of
his trademark, for now... this is the 2nd time, the first since he's been
owner. The courts thought otherwise, but hey its just a Constitution.
Washington will be the first of many if the politically incorrect crowd gets
its way... Cleveland, Atlanta, San Diego, and every college, high
school, and little league team down the line. So far at least Notre Dame is
safe but I have a feeling that Leprechaun's days are numbered. It's a hate
symbol to all good drunk Irishmen. Away with you bloody little green man!
Perfume and Cologne... Well lets ban that.
Olfactory offensiveness is just as bad as visual offensiveness. If you have bad
Body Odor of any sort you must report to a hygiene re-education seminar and be
certified clean before returning to your workplace or other public venue.
Sushi... well that is just a public nuisance. It
promotes the spread of all sorts of ocean born diseases and kills off far too
many "potentially endangered" species of fish. Only Tofu Sushi should
be permitted. Save our ocean fisheries!!!
Have I crossed over into the pretty much ridiculous? Well,
that's for you to decide... the point is there is no end to where things will
end when the politically incorrect crowd gets started. They are instrumentalist.
They started with cigarette smoking in airplanes in the 70's, first just 2 hour
flights, then it just expanded until there was none. That wasn't enough... it
went to public buildings, then private buildings, now even some outdoor venues.
Is smoking bad for you, pretty much certainly yes... are they hypocrites? You
bet your ass... They'll ban where you smoke but they won't ban tobacco. You see
tobacco comes with a "Sin Tax" and that tax even though it is
dwindling is worth millions of dollars to the coffers of Federal, State, and
Local governments. It's okay if it kills you as long as you pay up. They really
don't give a shit about you, they just don't want to be bothered with your
smoke and they still want your money so they can laugh behind your back.
They're moving toward the same thing with Alcohol, but too many of them still
need that to calm their nerves when they run short of the prescriptions they've
been popping, or to get chill after one too many Starbucks. A few years back a certain
Senator from Vermont tried to put a 1,000% tax on Ammunition as a back door ban
to certain weapons. Fortunately for America he couldn't get it passed out of
his own committee and he was the Chairman. All is not lost...but it could be if
we don't keep a watchful eye. You can be sure they're watching you.