Monday, September 09, 2013

Is Russia going to clean up its own mess in Syria... 

Today, Secretary of State John Kerry suggested that if President of Assad of Syria were to give up his Chemical Weapons that he could avoid a US Military Strike. Russia took up the idea and ran with it, Syria concurred, and the United Nations will be considering action on the matter soon. Go Figure...

These are my tweets since June about Syria & Mr. Putin

 #Syria is screwed and so are we for getting involved at this point. #Syria is #Russia 's problem. Let Putin deal with it. We've done enough!

#RT If you believe that @PutinRF_Eng 's Russia is the responsible party for cleaning up the mess in #Syria @whitehouse #US_Foreign_Policy

@PutinRF_Eng  #Russia 's Role in #Syria @BarackObama @whitehouse @whpresscorps

@TheSoulfulVixen @Patrick_Baz We Do Nothing because it is Putin's problem #GoodLuckRussia #UN  #Assad #Syria #CW #TCOT 

@RickLeventhal @BarackObama needs to call out #Putin at the G-20 and demand he hand over his proxy Assad to be tried for War Crimes.

 @ShannonBream Sorry... This is #PutinsProblem the UN needs to press Russia hard to clean up its proxy's mess. @FoxNews

 It is time for @PutinRF_Eng to clean up the #Proxy mess President Assad has created in #Syria. Make your own UN Resolution President Putin

Didn't the President just shake up his National Security Team? I'm wondering who has been saying what? It's a miracle we are going to get out of this one without having to fire a shot. Amen. 

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