Saturday, March 08, 2014

Why All Marriage Should Be Banned...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . . Marriage although administered under the civil laws of the state, is more commonly associated with its traditional religious roots with the bulk of ceremonies are performed regularly in Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, and Temples. Thus by its nature provides ample concern based on other president to be deemed "Establishment" and therefore Unconstitutional as a state function. That argument is not much of a stretch, but no sane person wants to make it for a myriad of different reasons, most of all the state because it benefits greatly.

Regardless, States have the ability to provide for contractual agreements between individuals. They can receive a non-religious name Social Contract or Civil Contract as opposed to the apparently offensive Civil Union that exist in many states currently. A contract simply sets forth a set of rules under which two people will function as a partnership. The State can provide boiler plate language and the participants are free to add whatever other requirements are necessary to codify the relationship that suits them best. Agreements of this type can and should be renewable periodically with a fee attached in the same way as a corporation or partnership pays a fee to a State, or an individual pays for a drivers license or professional license.

Religious Matrimony is a function of religious organizations and is sanctioned by them according to their sovereign guidelines and rules. If a Church wants to join two men or two women in a ceremony that is their choice, but if another church does not, they are free to exercise their freedom under the Constitution. Nothing is more sacred to Americans than their ability to practice their faith or not, and to do so without the interference of the State to the extent that all other manner of law is observed. Religions determine what is Holy or not and what meets the requirements of particular faith. For instance Roman Catholics require a six month instructional period prior to marriage in the Church so that a couple is deemed fully aware of the responsibilities of the Sacrament Holy Matrimony and the consequences of their having entered into it from a number of perspectives both financially and spiritually. The same is true for other faiths for different time frames. Other's have no such requirement.

The point here is that no one gets to own a Word. No one receives purview over defining society. The same should hold true for each and every word that has any controversy associated with it, regardless of the political prize for which it might curry favor . Words do not have rights. Words do not have responsibilities. Rights and Responsibilities are for people alone. No group should be able to hold another group hostage over a word. No individual should have to have their conscience or livelihood trampled or tossed aside because of a word. The time for Political Correctness and the Word Police to take permanent leave of us, and for all concerned to understand no one is better or worse an another. So, no more Defense of Marriage Amendments, no more LGBT Marriage Lawsuits, Laws, or Amendments to Constitutions. No more torts for damages for hurt feelings, and no more businesses being forced to comply with rules they do not believe in for the sake of their conscience. No more veiled references to the intolerance of mainstream religions.

The entire Grievance industry needs to be shut down and the Race industry is no exception.  When the mere mention of the word Racist shuts down any and all discussion about any topic whatever, there can be no effective reasonable communication between two or more parties simply because someone may have been unduly tainted by an unsubstantiated accusation. If there is no civil discourse there can never be a point at which people can even agree to disagree on any topic. Lists of "Code Words", one that is secret and seemingly never ceasing to grow provides a moving target for anyone deemed irrelevant and ripe for abuse. The abusers reap far beyond what they sow in benefits, much of which undoubtedly comes from sources far less interested in furthering the agenda of an organization than they are the political discourse that benefits themselves and their friends.

The Incrementalism may have worked it's magic to bring forth what most assuredly seems like victory for a LGBT minority that has achieved protected class. Unfortunately for them, it has now met with inertia, yes that nasty law that requires an equal reaction of force. A backlash is beginning and the results will not be pretty. It would have been really nice if everyone could have followed the advice of Rodney King and tried to just get along. The LBGT community could have been so much farther ahead and much more readily accepted had they simply gone along with compromises that did not involve words. Achievement of Equality does not always mean being equal in all regard. Some will always be more equal than others. However, when you rub your neighbors face in his own dog poop you cannot expect to be invited to their next barbeque. Food for thought.

The Real War Against Women... An Unprotected Class...

The Real War on Women that has been purposely unreported by the media for decades is not a Secret War waged by underground forces of the conservative movement subsidized by wealthy capitalist seeking to take away birth control and shut down abortion clinics. No, the Real War on Women the media has avoided like the plague is the war waged against a particular class of women by no less than the Homosexual Community. The reason it has not been reported is because it does not lend itself to promote the narrative of the struggle of the Homosexual Community through the decades of its own discrimination by any number of groups, both majority and minority based. These poor women are truly in a class of their own, left to fend for themselves, and have nowhere to turn for help. They are forgotten as were lepers sent to a colony to waste away. They receive no justice here in the United States of America.

Who are these women? Where do they come from? Why have they been abused? They are normal everyday women, born of everyday parents, who through no fault of their own received a name on their birth certificate. Their name is "Gay". They were born between the 1920's and the 1970's to American households, and their parents believed in their heart of hearts the name they gave their little girl baby meant Happy or Joyful, and were very proud to have done so when they affixed their signature to the birth certificate. Most grew up happy and content, not a worry in the world, some leading full lives, and have achieving great things. Then in the late 1970's their world became shattered. Their name whose primary definition was happy or joyful was been co-opted by the Homosexual Community and the new definition was now to be Homosexual.

All across America the Gay Banner became the new word for Homosexual and the Name "Gay" was set aside, cast aside even like a tattered flag on a trash heap waiting to be burned. The Women named "Gay" were suddenly women with "No Name". They had no place to turn, no public advocate. They dare not challenge the new and powerful "Gay Community" that now had begun to hold "Gay Pride Parades" and formed their own government lobby. They had lost their war before it had even begun, with no shots fired. No newspaper accounts were made, no radio or television reporters came to interview them. They were American Outcasts in their own country and remain so today. How is this possible in a country that prides itself in protecting minority rights? How can a War on Women become a daily drum beat on network newscasts and there be not one mention of a single woman named "Gay". It is truly absurd and astonishing.

So where do these women turn? How do they get their Name and their rights restored? What reparations are they owed by our government for the abuses they have suffered for being abandoned these many years as a minority? Where will they put the Monument in Washington, DC to the "Women named Gay"? The time to act is now, before all of these women have perished from this earth. They deserve their day in court, their rights preserved, and their name restored to its proper place.

Will you help take back the name Gay for these women and for those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice? Will you restore the primary definition of the word Gay to it's former lustre. Will you fight for the rights of these forgotten women? Will you end the Real War on Women?

Why Mark Levin is Absolutely Correct...

Go out and pick yourself up two copies of The Liberty Amendments by Mark R Levin an Attorney, Constitutional Law Expert, founder of the Landmark Lega lFoundation, and Nationally Syndicated Radio Talk Show Host. Read one, give the other to a friend, and then convince someone who disagrees with you to read the one you read. Our country is at stake and it is far too important to leave to the hands of those who would abuse it into perpetuity, leaving our children and our children's children financially and morally bankrupt forever.


Individual Rights and Individual Responsibilities are the Hallmarks of all that is American. The basis of our very being as a country lies within accepting rights from our Creator and as Individuals giving certain of them to a government formed of by and for the people. Our Government is limited by its very nature and subject to the people through their elected representatives. What has occurred since the ratification of the Constitution of the United States is the very nightmare discussed so eloquently by the founders in the Federalist Papers and by Alexis de Tocqueville in his Democracy in America, a tyranny. The people have become so ignorant and or so lazy, that they have failed to exercise proper judgment in their suffrage right as to allow the Congress of the United States to take to themselves powers not granted to them, and to grant unto the President powers which they have no right to grant unto it; while at the same time allowing the President to accumulate powers unto itself powers not granted either by the Constitution or by the Congress.  This has lead to unchecked authority to be taken by the Courts not granted to them by the Congress, and a Supreme Court not made of the best jurists, but rather of the most politically aligned jurists. Our system of government as nearly as perfect as it can be has therefore found itself in tatters and near failure. The only solution is to use the authority granted within the Constitution to the People through the States under Article Five (5) to correct the wrongs by way of a convention to offer certain Amendments to the Constitution that neither the Congress, the President, or the Courts have any authority to review, and then should they be passed by the States in due course, become the sovereign law of the land under which the Congress, the President, and the Courts must abide.


The movement is afoot to do just this, Several State Legislatures have approved bills authorizing representatives to be appointed to an Article FiveConstitutional Convention. Hopefully more States will follow and soon the people will be able to take back their Government and restore faith and hope in the Constitution of the United States. Term limits on Members of Congress, on Federal Judges, and on Supreme Court Justices is one item. Another is explicitly clear language regarding certain clauses the "Commerce Clause" the "Establishment Clause" to name two, to resolve any misinterpretation of the stated intent of the limitations intended. Yet another is repeal of the direct election of the Senate of the United States, and a return to the previous format where State legislatures approved the appointment of Senators, assuring that Senators are beholding to the interest of the State they represent and not to the interest of outside influences. There is a laundry list of reasonable changes that could be made to help correct crony capitalism and special interest corruption. The Tenth Amendment powers must be expanded giving the States more authority and autonomy. Government is and should be best administered closest to its source, the people.  

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

The Benghazi 15

The Members of the House of Representatives Oversight Committee who walked out on Benghazi victim family members on September 19, 2013 they are
The Benghazi 15

Here is the Video Evidence
Videos Copyright C-Span 2013

Video #1 - Review Panel

Video #2 - Parents Panel

 In Video #2 the #Benghazi15 have excused themselves and abandoned the Parents of American Heroes Killed in Service to their Country :

 Please Tweet their Names and Deed often during 2014

1.   Rep. Lacy Clay @LacyClayMO1 ·  Missouri 1st

2.   Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney @RepMaloney · New York 12th

3.    Rep. Danny Davis @RepDannyDavis ·  Illinois 7th

4.   Rep. Gerry Connolly @GerryConnolly ·  Virginia 11th

5.    Rep. Jim Cooper @repjimcooper  ·  Tennessee 5th

6.    Rep. Stephen Lynch @RepStephenLynch · Massachusetts 8th

7.    Rep. Steven Horsford @RepHorsford ·  Nevada 4th

8.    Rep. Tony Cárdenas @RepCardenas · San Fernando Valley

9.     Del. Eleanor H. Norton @EleanorNorton ·   Washington, DC

10.   Rep. Tammy Duckworth @RepDuckworth  ·  Illinois 8th

11.   Rep. John Tierney @RepTierney Massachusetts 6th

12.   Rep. Mark Pocan @repmarkpocan  ·  Wisconsin 2nd

13.   Rep. Matt Cartwright @RepCartwright · Pennsylvania 17th

14.   Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham @RepLujanGrisham ·  New Mexico 1st

15.   Rep. Peter Welch @PeterWelch ·  Vermont - At Large